Year 6 Green

See documents below for home learning activities


RE Summer 2 lesson 6

Spanish Summer 2 Week 7

Transition session 6

Year 6 Week 14 Final Week timetable

If I Could Go Anywhere writing Miss Edwards example

Monday poetry task

Tuesday If I Could Go Anywhere poem

Tuesday planning template

Weds If I Could Go Anywhere writing template

Maths investigation CHALLENGE

Maths investigation GREEN


Year 6 Green Week 13 timetable

Citizenship Session 3 Resilience and self respect

RE Summer 2 lesson 5

Spanish Summer 2 Week 6

Transition session 5


Maths Week 6 Friday

Maths week 6 Monday

Maths Week 6 Thursday

Maths Week 6 Tuesday

Maths Week 6 Wednesday

Canada Day

Friday reading task

Monday reading task


Thursday reading task

Tuesday reading task


Year 6 Green Week 12 timetable

Citizenship Session 2 Diversity

RE Summer 2 lesson 4

Spanish Summer 2 Week 5

Transition session 4

Monday information – Life on Robben Island

Monday task

Persuasive letter green group example

Tuesday toolkit task

Wednesday planning task


Maths Week 5 Friday

Maths week 5 Monday

Maths Week 5 Thursday

Maths Week 5 Tuesday

Maths Week 5 Wednesday

Friday reading task

Monday reading questions

Tuesday reading task ideas

Wednesday reading task


Year 6 Green Week 11 timetable

Maths Week 4 Monday

Monday reading task

Monday China quiz

Monday spelling task

Tuesday Great Wall and Warriors research

Maths Week 4 Tuesday

Tuesday reading task

Wednesday reading task

Maths Week 4 Wednesday

DigiSafe Wednesday

Wednesday differences between UK and China

Maths Week 4 Thursday

DigiSafe Thursday

Thursday reading task

Thursday reading text

Thursday planning task

Friday reading task

Maths Week 4 Friday

Friday example diary entry

Maths Answers

RE Summer 2 lesson 3

Spanish Summer 2 Week 4

Transition session 3

Electrical circuits mat

Science symbols task

2020 Virtual Summer Olympics

ETSP Summer Olympics challenge card


Year 6 Green Week 10 timetable

Maths Week 3 Monday

Monday research answers

Monday research questions

Monday questions

Tuesday toolkit task

Maths Week 3 Tuesday

Tuesday questions

Maths Week 3 Wednesday

Wednesday planning template

Example newspaper report Wednesday onwards

Extra election info for Wednesday planning

Maths Week 3 Thursday

Thursday election glossary

Thursday newspaper template with image

Thursday newspaper template without image

Thursday text

Friday questions

Maths Week 3 Friday

DigiSafe Friday

RE Summer 2 lesson 2

Spanish Summer 2 Week 2

Transition session 2

Citizenship week 3

Maths week 3 Answers

Week 10 Science

Week 10 Spellings


Year 6 Green Week 9 timetable

Monday fact recording sheet

Maths Week 2 Monday

Maths Week 2 Tuesday

Tuesday planning sheet

Monday reading questions

DigiSafe Monday activity

Monday and Tuesday Neil Armstrong text

Tuesday reading questions

Tuesday spelling activity

Wednesday reading questions

Maths Week 2 Wednesday

Wednesday recount example green and blue

Weds and Thurs text

DigiSafe Wednesday activity

Maths Week 2 Thursday

Thursday reading questions

Maths Week 2 Friday

Friday investigation recording sheet blue

Friday investigation reording sheet green


RE Summer 2 lesson 1

Activity 1 – Mains or battery

Spanish Summer 2 Week 2

Transition Session 1

apollo 11 astronaut photo on moon

evidence to suggest it was faked

Eyewitness accounts

footprint on the moon photo

newspaper article

Samples of moon rock brought back from the moon


Year 6 Green Week 8 timetable


Maths Week 1 Friday

Maths Week 1 Monday

Maths Week 1 Thursday

Maths Week 1 Tuesday

Maths Week 1 Wednesday

Week 8 – Tues text

Week 8 Thurs task

Week 8 Tues reading questions

Week 8 Weds reading questions

Week 8 Thurs spellings

History ICT and Art Summer 2 week 1 QUII coronation

Science Summer 2 week 1 Light end of unit quiz

Spanish Summer 2 week 1

Week 8 Fri – DigiSafe Day 11

Week 8 Mon – DigiSafe Day 9

Week 8 Weds – DigiSafe Day 10

Week 7 and 8 – Talk for Writing pack


Year 6 Green Week 7 timetable

Week 7 Maths Monday multiplying and dividing by 10 100 1000

Week 7 Reading Monday and Tuesday text

Week 7 Mon DigiSafe session 6

Week 7 Reading Monday questions

Week 7 Maths Tuesday multiplying decimals by integers

Week 7 Reading Tuesday questions

Week 7 Tuesday Spelling Challenge

Week 7 Reading Wednesday questions

Week 7 Reading Weds and Thurs text

Week 7 Maths Wednesday dividing decimals by integers

Week 7 Weds DigiSafe session 7

Week 7 Maths Thursday Decimals to fractions

Week 7 Reading Thursday questions

Week 7 Maths Friday Fractions to decimals

Week 7 Fri DigiSafe session 8

Week 7 Maths Parent guidance and answers

art week 5

History lesson 5

science lesson 5

Spanish lesson 5

Week 7 – Talk for Writing pack


Year 6 Green Week 6 timetable

Week 6 Maths Monday four quadrants

Monday DigiSafe task 3

Monday and Tuesday reading text

Monday reading – ordering events

Tuesday reading – comprehension questions

Tuesday Spellings

Week 6 Maths Tuesday reflecting and translating

Week 6 Maths Wednesday Vertically opposite angles

Wednesday reading – giving evidence

Wednesday reading – Opinions of people

Wednesday DigiSafe task 4

Thursday DigiSafe task 5

Thurs and Fri reading – A Life Underwater

Week 6 Maths Thursday angles in a triangle

Week 6 Maths Friday missing angles

Y6-Talk for Writing unit

Art lesson 4

History lesson 4

Science lesson 4

Spanish lesson 4


Year 6 timetable 4.5.2020

Week 5 Maths Monday compring fractions

Week 5 Monday – The Magic Box

Week 5 Tuesday – The Magic Box

Week 5 Maths Tuesday adding and subtracting fractions

Week 5 Maths Wednesday Multiplying fractions by fractions and integers

Week 5 Weds Spelling

Week 5 Weds and Thurs Titanic questions

Week 5 Maths Thursday Dividing fractions and four operations with fractions

Week 5 Maths Friday Fractions of an amount Finding the whole

Art week 3 summer 1 blue and green

History lesson 3 blue and green

Science lesson 3 blue and green

Spanish lesson 3 blue and green



Titanic text

Y6-Talk for Writing unit


Year 6 Week 3 timetable

Reading Week 3 Monday Green S

cience week 3 Instructions

Science week 3 Light sources sheets

Spanish week 3

Spelling Week 3 Monday

Art week 3

History week 3 Decade Answers

History week 3 Decade sort

History week 3 instructions

Maths week 3 answers Monday to Wednesday

Maths week 3 answers Thursday and Friday

Maths week 3 Friday

Maths week 3 Monday

Maths week 3 Thursday

Maths week 3 Tuesday

Maths week 3 Wednesday


Week 4 Monday reading – vocab task

Week 4 Maths Monday common factors and common multiples

Week 4 Monday reading text and Tuesday questions – green

Week 4 Tuesday English – example apology letter

Week 4 Maths Tuesday long multiplication and long division

Week 4 Maths Wednesday Prime numbers square numbers cube numbers

Week 4 Wednesday Oliver Twist – green

Week 4 Wednesday questions – green

Week 4 Maths Thursday order of operations and mental calculations

Week 4 Friday scavenger hunt

Week 4 Maths Friday reasoning from known facts

Week 4 Science

Week 4 Spanish

Week 4 Art

Week 4 History instructions

Home Learning Timetable Year 6 – Week 1 & 2

Week 1 – Monday and Tuesday find the errors maths task

Week 1 – Monday and Tuesday Rosa Parks reading comprehension

Week 1 – Wednesday and Thursday arithmetic questions

Week 1 – Thursday The Tyger comprehension

Week 1 – Friday maths code cracker rugby percentages

Week 2 – Tuesday and Wednesday The Snow Queen comprehension

Week 2 – Friday maths code cracker Darwin

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0208 350 8200

Mrs C Dimond

Mrs A Jones and Mrs A Kew

Chair of Governors
Mr S Smith

Mrs L Weekes

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